“Advocacy-daring to be the voice for the voiceless.
Advocacy-entering into the cause of grief and suffering of others.
Advocacy-crying for those who have cried so long that their tears have run dry.
Advocacy-never content to eat at Pharaoh s table when God has called us to tell Pharoah “let my people go!”
Advocacy-loving, not just in word but in deed and in truth.
Advocacy-to pronounce boldly and clearly to those who assume Power that he that ruleth Over man must be just, ruling in the fear of God!

We come this day because God beckons us advocate for those among us who experience the tyranny of wage theft at the hand of unjust employers and unconcerned law makers

We come to begin to stand in solidarity with those who have been disenfranchised thru the schemes of those who cannot gain office without secret maneuvering

We come to advocate for those whose meager healthcare is threatened by those whose healthcare is more than ample.
We have come because God bids us to advocate!”